Explore the Four Paths to your Personal Wellness
Integrative Massage & BodyWork - Nourish & Nurture
- Explore & Combine over a Dozen different forms of Massage Therapy & Bodywork Techniques.
- Experience an Organic Spa Treatment inspired by Ancient Healing Remedies from Around the World and infused with modern-day wisdom and application. Try a full-body cultural immersion or just get your feet wet with a foot bath or non-invasive facial.
- All products are handmade in house from sustainable, fair-trade, & organic raw material resources.
- Detox & Restore your natural vitality with a dry Far-Infrared Sauna Wrap
- Re-attune your Body, Mind, & Spirit with innovative Energetic therapies such as; Auctonics, Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Therapy, & Chakra and Energy Balancing
Structural Movement & Rehabilitation - Strengthen & Empower
- Physical Fitness Training & Exercise
- Internal Martial Arts
- Joint Mobility & Stretching
- Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
Self-Discovery & Exploration - Breathe Deep & Seek Peace
- Soul Coaching®
- Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy®
- Conscious Connective Breathing
- Reconnective Healing®
Developmental Workshops - Uproot and Transform old behaviors and Learn valuable Life Application Tools
- Individual & Group Energy Clearing